Pregnancy in The Sims 4
Pregnancy in The Sims 4 has four stages. First, you try to have a baby with "Woohoo" then when your Sim starts showing symptoms (Nausea) you can "Take A Pregnancy Test" using the toilet for $15. The pregnancy then lasts three more Sim days (three trimesters). This might be a good time to take a vacation from work if you have vacation days. In the second day, you can "Ask due date" and "Ask to Feel Baby". During the third day, you open up Family Leave as an option for work. This is also available for a limited time after the baby is born. Your Sim will get bigger each day as the baby gets bigger. The Get to Work Expansion opens up a few more interactions for Doctor sims to interact with pregnant sims.
Once the three days are up, the countdown is on for when your Sim will go into labor.
Once your Sim does go into labor you have the baby at home. If you have the Get to Work expansion pack installed then you can choose to either have the baby at home or at the hospital. That's pretty much pregnancy in The Sims 4 in a nutshell. Not much to it, but if you want your Sims to go through the experience they can or they can simply adopt or start off with children in Create A Sim.
This is what the hospital birth looks like if Get to Work is installed. |